Thursday, July 06, 2006

I finished my stockinette picot socks. They are a nice change from my traditional K2P2 ribbing.I had bought this yarn on a Menonite farm in Pennsylvania a few years ago. you never know what lies beneath in the stash. I think I will make some baby socks out of the leftovers.I bought a copy of "Sensational Socks".It is a great resource book. I also have a copy of "Socks,Socks,Socks" from the library. I am trying to decide on a pattern for the next pair.

I dyed some yarn last night.The yarn is the ugly gold Bartletts that I have a ton of.I needed some black to go with the black and white mohair I bought at the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool.I am going to make a pair of mittens with this yarn. Well, I am going to close this post for now. We are having major computer woes.I have a feeling we will be dumping the computer this weekend. Don't you hate it when that happens?

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