Finally some knitting!
Finally....I am able to knit. It is the greatest feeling in the world. Look what I found on Ebay. I have been looking for this book for awhile. My library had a copy ,but someone stole it. It is a fantastic book chock full of great Christmas stockings. If you have this book in your library.... be aware there a quite a few corrections . I found them on the Interweave Knits website. I plan on making several of these through the year. If you have been a constant reader of Irishknits, you know I have a "Hat and Mitten Tree" at the salon. We put it up after Thanksgiving. We donate everything we collect to the homeless shelter in my town. I called last evening to see how many children are at the shelter . They have four boys and five girls ages one to four . There are several children in the six to ten age bracket. Most of the things I have made and collected are for age six and above. So, I am working on some smaller size mittens right now. It is so awkward working on a thumb for a two year old mitten. Do you think one year old wear thumbless? I was thinking of adding some crocheted strings to hold the pairs together. You know the type you can thread through the sleeves of their coats. Do you think these are a pain for mothers of wee ones? I am hoping to whip up a few matching hats too. My fractured shoulder has really hampered my charity knitting. In shoulder news....things are really coming along. I am hoping to be back to work by January 8Th. The other photo I posted is Mini raglan ornament from the knitlist. I need to make a little hanger for it. It is the cutest little sweater. I want to embroider a letter on the front too. I am going to close for now...need to get knitting those baby mittens. Happy Knitting everyone.
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