Friday, October 21, 2005

The sun will come out....

The sun has been shining for two days! I am planning on making the most of it today. I think I nice long walk is in order. The lake has dropped and we have reclaimed out dock. I filled all my bird feeders a few weeks ago. I must have had 20 goldfinches at the feeder this morning. I love watching the birds in the morning over coffee. I have been buying a special blend of seed from Wild Birds Unlimited. We have a store in Dover that opened last year. I am one of their best customers. I just love this store. They have every feeder you can imagine. In the spring , I had bought a hummingbird feeder and a Baltimore Oriole feeder. Anyways..... With this choice blend, I seem to be attracting many different birds. The woodpecker are thrilled with their suet cakes. I will try to get some good pictures to share. In knitting news.... I finished the pair of pink mittens. Last night I finished a pair of children socks with some Plymouth Sockotta. I will post some pictures later. "The Mitten Queen" aka Sandy is hosting a KAL for mittens. It is called "Warm Hands". Why don't you sign up and join in the fun. I have been flipping through my mitten books. I keep changing my mind about which mitten to knit. Hope the sun is shining in you neck of the woods. I am off to enjoy the day.