Saturday, January 13, 2007

Cornflower Mitts

Here is another Fun Fur Hat to send off for

Kate's project. This one was made with a bunch of scraps my mother in law gave me. I would like to knit a few more of them . The other project is some fingerless mitts. These are the Cornflower Mitts from the Holiday Gifts 2006 from Interweaves Knits.There are a few items in that issue I would like to knit. I want to make the Cathedral afghan as well as the Mosaic Mitts. I also have a pair of Lovikka Mittens felting as we speak. I better go check on those......
A couple of more cycles and they will be done. I joined
Rebekah's Yarn Focus Challenge. I had fun with the one she offered last year. Basically, you knit from your stash. Once a month you get one free day to buy yarn. It runs for three months. I plan on dyeing some more of the Bartlett's yarn. I have quite a bit that was given to me a few years ago. The yarn is about ten years old and light heathered colors. I have had success dyeing over it before. I wish the Bartletts felted properly. It does not shrink down enough. I just made an adult mitten that ended up being a potholder. We finally have snow in the forecast. They are saying we could get six to ten inches on Monday. I am ready for a little snow. There is nothing like a snow day to knit.