Thursday, July 28, 2005

Sick kitty....

The knitting has been slim to none these days. It has been so darn hot the last few weeks. I am plugging away on the edging for the "Pinwheel Baby Blanket". It is going to be quite pretty when finished. The last week and a half has revolved around my cat "Peaches". She had not eaten or taken water for six days. Last Thursday, she had a vet appointment. They told me that her colon was impacted with stool. She spent several days at the vets and too many enemas to count. I had her home over the weekend and she did not pass any stool. She went back to the vets for a few more days. She finally passed a bit. So, she has been diagnosed with "Megacolon". I have been reading up on this condition. Basically the colon is enlarged and not working properly. We have several medications that I have to give her three times a day. All the medication is giving orally with an eye dropper. I am sure you can imagine what fun this has been. I did get to take her home last night. She goes back to the vets tomorrow afternoon for another check. I am praying she passes some stool before then. My life for now...Revolves around "poop". Is that a bad thing? She had been on a reducing diet since October. She weighed in at 16 pounds then. When she had her check in March she weighed 13.3 pounds. The other day she was down to 9 and a half pounds. They were very worried to say the least. I wonder if the food has something to do with her condition. Off course, they suggest surgery on her colon at some point. I will get several opinions before I decide to go that route.
tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day. I am off to blueberry pick with my nieces. I want to make a few batches of blueberry jam. It is a favorite in my family. I also bought a few round zucchini today. I have never seen the round shape zucchini. I am going to stuff these later. I have still been going to my Weight Watcher meetings. I just hit 25.8 pounds today. Now, I need to focus on the next five pound increment. It has been averaging out to a 2 pound loss a week. I am thrilled with that!!! Also, I don't know if anyone watched the "Into the West" series ? It has been running on TNT for six weeks now. I was taping it and watching when we had a chance. My husband and I really enjoyed the series. I just went to the library and borrowed "Bury my heart at Wounded Knee". I read this book when I was about fifteen or so. I really wanted to read it again after watching this series. I guess that is all the news from "Irishknits". Happy Knitting everyone.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Bad blogger.....

I am way behind on updating my blog. But, there has been knitting and crocheting going on. I decided to finish up the Pinwheel Baby Blanket. It was driving me crazy sitting in the basket all by its lonesome. I was trying to figure out an edge for the outside. I decided on the edge I used on the "Truly Tasha Shawl". I think it looks really nice. I will post a picture later tonight. It takes awhile to knit this edge, and is nothing that can be rushed. I have also been crocheting potholders and matching dishclothes, to tuck away for Christmas. My sisters request them every year. They are a nice easy project to take out on the boat. I have three sets finished already. After I finish the baby blanket, I need to get back to my Branching Out scarf. Speaking of which... Have you seen Wendy's gorgeous scarf. I just love the color. She used Kid Silk Haze for her scarf. I have never tried that particular yarn. It is on my wish list. I have been reading quite a few books this summer. I am a huge Dean Koontz fan. In the last month, I have read "Life Expectancy", "The Taking" and I am reading "Frankenstein". I also finished "The Kite Runner" and "Honeymoon" by James Patterson. I really enjoyed "The Kite Runner", I had a hard time with the first 50 or so pages. Once I could keep the characters names straight, I was all set. I picked up a copy of "The Mermaid's Chair" by Sue Monk Kidd. She also wrote "The Secret Life of Bees", which I just adored. My eleven year old niece has been playing All-Stars Softball this summer. The weekend consists of many games and tournaments. They won first in their district. Last weekend they came in third in the State finals. It has really been a joy to watch her play. She has a great coach, who is wonderful with all the girls. Well....I guess that does it for me. I have been home from work on a break between customers. I need to hit the road. Knit on Friends.

I just enlarged the font size. The other just seemed too tiny. Is this easier on the eyes?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Small projects....

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. The weather was perfect here in New Hampshire. I had a very busy holiday weekend. Nary a stitch was knit.... We had a work related picnic on Saturday. I had a family picnic on Sunday. The kids had a great time swimming in the lake. They hunted for frogs and tried to catch sunfish. I am sure they all slept well Sunday evening. There were many summer people up for the long weekend. Different families had a display of fireworks all three nights. We took the boat into the cove and watched them every evening. I get nervous with "home" fireworks displays. Bruce made sure to be a safe distance away from all of them. We spent all three evening out on the lake till 11:00. It is so peaceful out there. The only drawback is it is too dark to knit. The weekend flew by for us, as a holiday always does. I was very pleased that I stuck to my Weight Watchers plan. As of last Thursday I have lost 20.6 pounds. Believe me, there were some tempting things at the picnics too.
In knitting news.... I have only worked another couple of inches on my "Branching Out" scarf. I did manage to make a hat from Hats On! Warm and Winsome caps for knitters . The pattern is the Norwegian Star. I love this book! The patterns are written in three sizes to accommodate the whole family. There are several I plan on making for the "Hat & Mitten" tree. This particular one is for the neighbor boy for Christmas. I have also been reading again. I love to take a book out on the boat. I am just finishing "The Taking" by Dean Koontz. I picked up a copy of "The Kite Runner" as my used book store. I think that is next on my list. Has anyone read "The Shadow Of The Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon ? Many people have said this is a fantastic book. I want to pick up a copy. In spinning news... My drop spindle has been sitting by itself in the basket. I am planning on attending The Island Pond Spinners meeting this Friday. I could not make their meeting last week. I had such a great time at the other meeting. I guess that catches up on what I've been doing. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I am posting a few pictures of the flying squirrels in the feeder at night. They come every evening. I am guessing some people will get grossed out by these guys. We love to watch them running up and down to the feeder. Okay...I admit is we are



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