Saturday, October 30, 2004

Mitten frustration

First off, I would like to thank everyone for the kind words about Miss Peaches bed.She has not used it since the night I took the pictures. If I find she is not using it...I will pass it on to Mom's "Shadow". He loves to curl up in anything. I did finish the Butterfly throw. Just need to snap a couple of shots. I am bout half way through a second throw. The last three days I have been working on mittens. I thought I would try a few patterns from the web. These are mittens for my "Mitten Tree" at work. The first one I worked up to the decreases. I could not get the decrease right on the large size. So rippppppppppppp... The second pattern was a two needle mitten. I worked up to the decreases and the fit was horrible. The third pattern was just not pretty. So, I will chalk this up to a learning experience. I have plenty of mitten patterns I can use. I did come across a pattern for a very pretty cable mitten. I printed it out for future use.I have a fondness for anything aran. Must be the 100% Irish blood coursing through my veins. I am going trick or treating with my sister and nieces this evening. I sure hope the weather clears. It is overcast and rainy right now. Have a great weekend everyone and Happy Knitting.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A tight Fit?

There is my little Peaches in all her glory. The Kitty Pi bed finally dried after a week. I put a tiny bit of a catnip in the bottom and she crawled right in. OKAY!!!!! I admit it ...I had to about stuff her in it. But, It is an hour later and she is curled in a ball. Snug as a bug in a rug (emphasize on snug). I had enlarged the pattern by six or eight rows. I wish I had made it a wee bit larger. I wanted to mention I used Lamb's Pride yarn, in case anyone is interested. The other picture is the Mystery #1 kit from Inspiration Yarns. What a fun project this was to work on. I am going to use it as a tree topper for the Hat and Mitten Tree at work. Since the kit was gifted to me, it is only fitting to pass the gift on. The yarn was buttery soft to knit with. In other knitting news...I am five rows from finishing my Butterfly Throw. I will post a picture later in the week. Happy Knitting everyone.



Mystery Kit#1 Posted by Hello

Friday, October 22, 2004

Knitting away...

Just posted a picture of my Kitty Pi bed. It is still drying. Actually the rolled edge is still soaking wet after one day. I meant to take a picture pre-felted. I am so hoping it is big enough for Peaches. I enlarged it by a few rounds. Please keep your fingers crossed. If not, it will be a nice Christmas present for Shadow(Mom's cat). He is going to be getting one anyway, but in boyish colors. Has anyone out there used Bartlett's yarn for felting? I keep reading how it does not felt properly. I have a bunch of it and am going to knit a few swatches to see how it felts. I always use Lamb's Pride or Galway for my felted projects. I have never had a problem with either of them. The other pictures are the "Butterfly Wings" quick knit throw. Here is the link for that pattern Throw. I am using Patons "Divine" and a size 17 needle. The yarn is so soft and cuddly. I love this pattern. You can really see the pattern in the close up picture. I am thinking of making a few for Christmas presents too. I have some Plymouth Outback mohair I bought at Elann. I think I will use a solid yarn with it for the second throw. I have been trying to use up stash yarn for the mittens for the mitten tree. I always feel better when I use something I already have. I also finished the Mystery project from Inspirations yarns. I am not going to post the picture till I get an okay from Margaret. I don't want to ruin the surprise for anyone. All for now.

Kitty Pi


Close-up Posted by Hello

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

More mittens and RAOK

I was gifted with a very fun RAOK the other day. Margaret sent me the Mystery Kit #1. The yarn is incredibly soft and buttery. It has a mystery pattern that you work up. What a fun idea... To have no clue what it is until you are knitting. I am hoping to start this later in the week. Go on over to her website Inspirations Yarn to check out her lovely selection. The laceweight yarns look incredible too. I think that will be my first purchase. I have two pairs of mittens finished for the mitten tree. I have been working on a poster to put in the window of the salon. I am planning on catching up on some blogs tonight. I can't wait to see what everyone thought of their trip to the Rhinebeck Festival..It sure sounded like a good time.


/ Mittens Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Hat and Mitten tree

I just installed Haloscan. I think it will be much easier for people to leave comments now. Sometimes they would come back as anonymous and I could not answer their question.I am going to have a hat and mitten tree in the salon for Christmas. I am really excited about this. I have been knitting away on mittens. I need to make up some posters for the window. I also am going to write up a little piece for the paper. That way we can get some outside donations. There are a few place in town I will donate the proceeds to. We have a orphanage and a battered woman's shelter . There is also the local homeless shelter. I am hoping I have enough to spread around to all three charities. If anyone wants to make a pair of mittens or hat , please feel free. You can email me for an address to send them too.
I can't believe how fast the time is flying. It seems like it was just the end of August. I am hoping to pick a few more apples at the end of the week. There are several late apples at the local orchard. Have you heard about Elizabeth's blogger cookbook? Click on over to her blog and check it out. I am going to get a few recipes together later. Also, Have you been following the project elections over at Boogie Knits ? She is too funny..... I loved today's post about the sock debates. She always makes me chuckle over my morning coffee. There are some very talented writers/knitters out there in blogland. I need to take Peaches to the vets today for her shots. I have this teeny tiny cat carrier, that she does not fit into very well. Do you think I remembered to go buy a bigger one? No....The poor little thing will be squishing her butt into this one. I promised her I will buy her a larger one for the next visit. Hopefully by the end of the day she will have forgiven me. Have a great day everyone.

Monday, October 11, 2004

I Love Fall

I posted some pics below from our drive and outing on the Mount Washington. What a gorgeous day it was yesterday. One of the pictures is from on our drive through Strafford. The last picture is taken on my beach. It is a shot of right across the lake from me. I told my husband that some of the prettiest foliage is right in our own back yard. Also, is a picture of the finished thrummed mittens. I am very pleased with the way they worked up. I am now going to work on my Kitty Pi bed. It is coming along nicely. I am using all scrap stuff out of my stash. I filled all the birdfeeders today. Peaches is having a ball looking out the window at the birds. She keeps hiding behind the curtain , so they can't see her. I forgot to mention I recieved a lovely cup of tea from Anne enclosed with a note. Thanks Anne...I will think of you on a chilly night while drinking the tea. Enjoy the pictures everyone.

Finished Mittens

Lake Winniepesaukee

Lake Posted by Hello

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Still thrumming...

I am just about finished with the second pair of thrummed mittens. I will post a picture tomorrow . I am very pleased with this pair. It has thrums every third stitch and fourth row. The other pattern I used had them more spaced out. The roving I bought at the Deerfield Fair is so soft and cushy. This pair will be a Christmas present for my co-worker. It is a gorgeous day here today. We are going on a "Fall Foliage" cruise on the Mount Washington.I am hoping to take many pictures. This cruise goes around Lake Winnipesaukee. It should be breathtaking with the scenery.Have a great Sunday everyone.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Raok surprises and Kitty Pi bed

I am SPOILED rotten.... Both yesterday and today I received a RAOK. In yesterday's mail I received a lovely RAOK from Lynne .You can see it in the picture below. She sent me a bottle of Eucalan, a little Victorian calendar and a handmade handkerchief. She also made a wonderful card. Talk about creative people. The handkerchief is really special. It reminds me of of one my grandmother always carried. She passed away when I was a teenager.It brought back many happy memories when I held it. Thanks again Lynne.
My other fantastic RAOK came Lizzi from . It was a cute little bag filled with Lavender scents. There is a powder,body lotion, shower gel and soap.Lavender and lilac are two of my favorite scents. She also sent me a HUGE cone of laceweight yarn. The picture doesn't do the color justice. It is a very pretty shade of green. There is a ton of yardage on the cone. I will have enough to make any of the shawls in the Best of Knitter's book. Lizzi also went out of her way to search for this yarn for me. Thanks again Lizzi.
I am still working on the thrummed mittens. But, I also cast on a Kitty Pi bed.
It is the pattern from Wendy Knits. I am making it for Peaches. Just a little concerned that it is going to be too small for her. She is 15 pounds of pure love. If anyone has made this for a larger cat....I would love some advice. I am trying to figure how to enlarge the pattern and keep the same shape. Yes, you are right...I am lousy in math. That is okay , I have many other strong points. Well, time for Survivor and "thrummed mittens".

Lizzi's RAOK

Lynne's RAOK Posted by Hello

Monday, October 04, 2004

Knitting withdrawal

Hello everyone.... My company packed up and left this morning. I have not had a chance to knit in FOUR days! Needless to say, I am suffering from knitting withdrawal. I worked late this evening. But, I was determined to knit a few rows on my second pair of thrummed mittens. I am using "Galway " yarn and some gorgeous roving. The picture below shows the roving I bought at the Deerfield Fair. I love the colors. I am hoping to have a mitten/hat tree in at the shop for Christmas. We have an orphanage in town . I am planning to donate the hats and mittens to them. I do not have any customers that knit...But, maybe they will buy a pair to put on the tree. I have plenty of roving to make up some thrummed mittens. This batch of roving and fleece is so much softer then the stuff I bought in Concord. I am not sure why that is. I am using this pattern for the second pair. It has more thrums and they are closer together. So far so good....

Mitten and Rovings

Mittens Posted by Hello

Friday, October 01, 2004


I finished the first pair of mittens. I will take a picture tomorrow when the lighting is better. We have company visiting from Pennsylvania. We got up bright and early and went to the Deerfield Fair. It is a four day fair and one of the better ones in the area. We had a great time...At the end of the day , I stumbled across a small Fiber Tent. She had all kinds of colorful rovings. Also, some beautiful handspun yarn. I bought four different colors of roving. It is so much softer than the type I bought for the first pair of mittens. I think it might be "Romney", but I have limited knowledge of fibers. I bought the softest ,brightest red. Again, I will take some pics tomorrow. I have started a second pair of mittens in some grey Galway. Galway is one of my favorites yarns for felting too. I am enjoying blog hopping and seeing what everyone is working on. There are some gorgeous mittens out there. I don't expect to be able to do much knitting this weekend. But, I might sneak in a bit before bed. Have a great weekend everyone.